IA/content mapping

Structuring and organising content to deliver the right information in the right order in the right way

I am trained and experienced in the specialist field of IA and content mapping, using content modeling techniques and mindmapping tools. I can carry out IA (information architecture) analysis and content mapping on your behalf, and/or train and support your internal teams.

Goal 1: What goes where?

One of the most challenging tasks when creating communication is to put everything in order so that it is logical and easy to understand. Content mapping is the process of understanding, classifying, organising and optimising the flow of content, whether it’s being distributed in a single channel or across multiple channels. The goal is to deliver the right content, in the right order, in the right manner.

When done correctly, the communication is more understandable and credible, and readers can easily find the information they need.

Content mapping is an essential part of creating transmedia communication.

Goal 2: Tidying up 'too much information'

The accumulation of vast amounts of information is a common problem in organisations; once created, information can be stored and distributed digitally for years.

Many organisations lose control of their digital information, and their staff or external audiences become confused and overwhelmed by the sheer volume of content. They particularly find it difficult to track down old information that’s still valuable and useful. Content mapping helps to sort information to make sure people find what they need.

Tidying it all up means weeding out what is unnecessary, highlighting what is most important and valuable, and making it searchable — and findable.

Content mapping can turn information chaos into a well-organised, easy-to-navigate information offer.

Benefits of content mapping

Content mapping:

  1. at the start of a project, helps to save time, get an overview of the information available, identify gaps and plan production
  2. ensures that information is consistent, manageable and easy to navigate, no matter how much information there is or which media are used
  3. helps you present information based on audience needs, availability and access
  4. allows you to see and determine how different parts of the information relate to each other, so you can:


Transmedia communication is the technique of spreading related information across different platforms and formats (storytelling). Where cross-media communication is about putting the same messages in different media, transmedia communication is about placing different but related messages in different media: the different media are used to complement each other, not simply repeat the same messages. Content mapping creates a structure showing which information goes in which media.

Content mapping of online content is closely related to IA (Information Architecture) and UX (User Experience) design.

Content modeling is a technique used for content mapping, to create structured content models.

Taxonomy is the practice of classifying content into categories.

Content means any written or visual information presented to users/visitors/readers in different channels: web copy, blog posts, videos, learning materials, presentations, books, print[able] documents, checklists, social media, diagrams, etc.

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