Usability/UX and SEO copywriting

Make sure your content is easy to find, navigate, read and understand. And optimised to improve your search engine ranking.

Writing for the web/mobile and SEO copywriting

Usability/UX is not just about how users experiences your site structure, layout and labels. It’s also about how they experience your content. 

Making information findable and readable

For digital communication, you need to pay special attention to the user experience. I’ll help you:

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I can also write optimised page slugs, titles and meta descriptions (snippets) to support search and improve click-through.


I deliver on-demand, personalised workshops to train your team in writing for the web/mobile.

I can also write optimised page slugs, titles and meta descriptions (snippets) to support search and improve click-through.


I deliver on-demand, personalised workshops to train your team in writing for the web/mobile.

Writing for mobile is less well defined. But don’t worry, I wrote a book about it.

Search engine optimisation (SEO) copywriting

SEO is about optimising websites so that search engines will find and prioritise their content. One part of SEO is SEO copywriting. The aim is to use key words and phrases to bump your website up to or near the top of the first page of search results when people search for specific terms.

SEO copywriting can help bring people and businesses together when they need each other. If you have identified the key terms for your business, I can build them into your web copy in a natural way that doesn’t sound forced or repetitive. Readers will be unaware that keywords are being used, but search engines will pick them up.

I can also write optimised page slugs, titles and meta descriptions (snippets) to support search and improve click-through.


I deliver on-demand, personalised workshops to train your team in writing for the web/mobile.

I can also support your internal team with consultancy on digital media, user experience and information architecture.

Writing for the web/mobile

Writing for the web is now well established. It’s about taking the standard editing techniques that have been used in written communication for hundreds of years and adapting them to the way we communicate now. Read more.

Writing for mobile is less well defined. But don’t worry, I wrote a book about it.

Search engine optimisation (SEO) copywriting

SEO is about optimising websites so that search engines will find and prioritise their content. One part of SEO is SEO copywriting. The aim is to use key words and phrases to bump your website up to or near the top of the first page of search results when people search for specific terms.

SEO copywriting can help bring people and businesses together when they need each other. If you have identified the key terms for your business, I can build them into your web copy in a natural way that doesn’t sound forced or repetitive. Readers will be unaware that keywords are being used, but search engines will pick them up.

I can also write optimised page slugs, titles and meta descriptions (snippets) to support search and improve click-through.


I deliver on-demand, personalised workshops to train your team in writing for the web/mobile.

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